Prevention Is Better Than Cure
16mm film Black & White Silent 1937 9:07

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Summary: A film presented by the Public Health Department of the City of Birmingham. April, 1937 encouraging child inoculation against diphtheria.
Title number: 248
Description: A film presented by the Public Health Department of the City of Birmingham. April 1937 encouraging child inoculation against diphtheria. It contrasts the care parents make to avoid their children being involved in street accidents compared with their relative negligence in the face of preventable disease. It attempts to challenge the preconceptions regarding inoculation held by some parents through the use of a story concerning a child coming down with diphtheria, the threat to her life, her continuing health, long term effects and her period of hospitalisation. It shows the modern health clinic as a clean and pleasant place where children are treated quickly, kindly and without distress.
Keywords: Public health
Locations: United Kingdom; England; Birmingham