Some Aspects of Food Inspection in the Borough of Hackney - Part Two
16mm film Black & White Silent 1937 12:58

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Summary: Second part of a three part film on food supply in Hackney and how the Borough ensures food safety.
Title number: 246
Description: Second part of a three part film produced by the Public Health Department of the Metropolitan Borough of Hackney looking at some aspects of food inspection. This part considers the retail food supply. Food is seen for sale in shops and markets and being delivered by traders. Amongst the stores seen are a butchers called 'Hammett's', 'Addis & Mumford' grocers at 80 Amhurst Road, the Cordon Coffee & Dining Rooms, United Dairies, 'F.C.Dyson' on the corner of Kingsland High Street, 'Allardyce' creameries, 'Mason Brothers' green grocers, the Swan Restaurant, 'W.H. Cullen' and stores of 'J. Lyons' and Marks & Spencers (possibly on Mare Street). Continuing on to the street market of Ridley Road, various stalls are filmed including 'M.Joseph wholesale and retail' (210 Ridley Road), 'P.Aleck' butchers (212 Ridley Road), the 'Ridley fish and poultry store' (54 Ridley Road). A borough food inspector visits the butchers shop 'E.H.Higgs' and insists that their products are marked in accordance with their origins as English, Empire, or 'Foreign' food. The inspector also visits market stalls, examines tinned food, finds metal shavings in loose tea and some unsound bacon.
Keywords: Food control; Public health; Trade
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney