Some Aspects of Food Inspection in the Borough of Hackney - Part One
16mm film Black & White Silent 1937 11:50

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Summary: First part of a three part film on food supply in Hackney and how the Borough ensures food safety.
Title number: 245
Description: First part of a three part film produced by the Public Health Department of the Metropolitan Borough of Hackney looking at some aspects of food inspection. This part considers wholesale food supply. It begins with the imported foodstuffs coming through the docks. There are views of the Thameside London docks including Tower Bridge in the background. Cargo vessels are at anchor next to barges and material is craned from ship to shore. The film continues with views of some of London's wholesale markets beginning with the fish market at Billingsgate. Horse drawn wagons are outside the market, and men in white coats carry loads of crated fish in their heads. The film moves on to the meat and poultry market at Leadenhall. Views inside Leadenhall reveal meat hung up around stalls, with men passing through in bowler hats. Next is the fruit and vegetable market at Spitalfields, with views of the outside and inside of the market. Inside various stalls are visible including 'R.Levy' and 'A. Jenkins' and handcarts move about. At Smithfield meat market motor vans are leaving and entering. Inside the market sides of meat are laid out and hung up and there are shots of meat seller. Food inspectors are recorded visiting the market, passing the Co-operative Wholesale stall and a van marked 'J.Ward & Sons'. A new section of the film introduces 'home production' of British food products: bread, fruit, vegetables, poultry, milk and meat and how they are brought to London by road and rail. A Borough food Inspector visits a butchers (William E. Austin, 51 Wilton Road, Dalston) and a slaughterhouse to check on the preparation of meat products and the quality of food produced. There are views of some diseased meat that has been discovered. Carcasses are removed and destroyed by incineration.
Keywords: Food control; Public health; Trade
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney