Lampton Park, Mayday 89
VHS Colour Sound 1989 22:11

Summary: A video of Mayday 89 at Lampton Park.
Title number: 2417
LSA ID: LSA/3179
Description: An informal recording of the Mayday Festival held in Lampton Park in Hounslow on a grey windswept day in 1989. Despite the weather the festival appears to have drawn large crowds showing a multi-cultural cross section of the local population and arrange of ages. Around the festival site there are large number of fast food concessions, stalls selling second hand books, saris and bric-a-brac as well as stalls from community groups including the Millan Asian Women's Group, Women Against Apartheid, and the Afro Caribbean Association Hounslow. On entire marquee is marked as the 'Women's Tent'. Both children and adults enjoy going on the assembled fairground rides from Carters including a big wheel, a merry-go-round, swingboats and dodgems. An inflatable bouncy castle bops up and down under the influence of some eager children. Other children visit a group of face painters, a storyteller and a traffic policeman showing off his motorcycle. Wandering amongst the crowds are several clowns, the town crier, an accordion player and a balloon seller. Entertainment around the side of the festival ranges from trick riding on a BMX bicycle to a somewhat more prosaic demonstration of brick laying technique. Radio West Middlesex has its own tent with a DJ broadcasting live from the festival. Inside the marquees a classical Asian music and dance piece by two women, an afro-latin music performance by a large band, and the rhythmic sounds of a Bhangra group treat visitors to a range of styles. Outside there are performances from a marching band playing the Theme to Star Trek and tight rope walking by a duo called 'High Tension'. The video ends in the evening of the festival with night views of rides lit up by coloured bulbs and a fireworks finale.
Keywords: Celebrations; Festivals; May Day
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hounslow