Harrow in Europe
VHS Colour Sound 29.05.1989 19:03

Summary: Town twinning anniversary celebrations in Harrow.
Title number: 2347
LSA ID: LSA/3084
Description: A semi-professional video of events in 1989 that jointly celebrated the annual Harrow Heritage Festival and the 10th anniversary of the town twinning between Harrow and Douai in France. The celebrations begin in Harrow town centre, in and around the St Anns shopping mall. The Mayor of harrow, the council mace bearer and a representative from Douai walk around the mall and the high street, passing many shops including Marks & Spencer, Tie Rack, Benetton, Dixons, Body Shop, Early Learning Centre, and Hammick's Books, They are accompanied by bagpipers and giant French puppets controlled by operators walking in their skirts, Outside a pub a man demonstrates his musical skills on a bell ringing machine, in which a keyboard operates a series of suspended bells. A procession through streets of local suburban housing has the bagpipers leading, with the mayor now in an open top car, followed by vintage vehicles, carnival floats and a transporter truck from Douai carrying the new Renault 19. The action then moves on to the Harrow Museum and Heritage Centre, outside which some men in old military uniforms re-enact a battle between redcoat British soldiers and the French army. Outside the Heritage Centre's barn there is also country dancing, a children's fancy dress competition, hot air balloon launch and a Medieval tournament featuring an archery contest and jousting. Inside the barn there are glimpses through the crowds of the Middlesex Heraldry Society stand, some museum exhibits and information boards on the relationship between Douai and Harrow. The video ends with an extract from an evening jazz performance.
Credits: Director: Paul Usiskin; Producer: Paul Usiskin
Keywords: Town twinning; Festivals
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Harrow