Nightingale Estate: Tower Block Demolition
VHS Colour Sound 30.11.2003 8:00

Summary: Double demolition of two tower blocks on the Nightingale Estate in Hackney.
Title number: 2271
LSA ID: LSA/2961
Description: A large group of local residents, press and photographers assemble to watch the double demolition of two high rise tower blocks on the Nightingale Estate in Hackney. A helicopter buzzes overhead as the crowd wait expectantly. At last a shot is fired to scare away the birds, the crowd countdowns to zero and the buildings are blown up, first one then the other falling to the ground and sending up a ball of dust and debris. The camera zooms in on the piles of rubble that are all that remain of the towers.
Keywords: Housing; Housing policy;
Urban Planning
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney