New Opportunities Fund: Digitisation Awards
VHS Colour Sound 2001 33:00

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Summary: Highlights from an event at the Science Museum in London announcing the award of New Opportunities Fund grants.
Title number: 2269
LSA ID: LSA/2959
Description: Highlights from an event at the Science Museum in London, announcing the award of the National Lottery's New Opportunities Fund grants for digitisation initiatives. The Minister for the Arts Baroness Blackstone describes the potential benefits of information and communications technology for arts, library and heritage organisations. Baroness Pitt-Keighley, Chair of the New Opportunities Fund announces some of the grant winners including the British Film Institute and the Science Museum. A short inserted film presents personnel from other award winners Dial UK, BE-ME (the Black and Ethnic Minority Experience) project, the Indian Institute Library at Oxford University, the Huntley & Palmer project at Reading Museums and Archives Service, the Tudor Hackney project at Hackney Archives (about a lost house on Mare Street), all speaking about their work. Lord Matthew Evans, Chair of Resource talks about the People's Network and how public libraries are moving into the digital world. Stephen Dunmore, Chief Executive of the New Opportunities Fund thanks all the event attendees and closes the event. There follows a number of photo shoots inside the Science Museum with young people and the politicians.
Keywords: Digital collections; Digitization
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London