Journey's Tape: Hackney Downs School
VHS Colour;Black & White Silent 1956-1967 180:00

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Summary: Compilation of films of trips abroad by pupils of Hackney Downs School.
Title number: 2265
LSA ID: LSA/2955
Description: Compilation of films of trips abroad by pupils of Hackney Downs School. The trips recorded are: a 1955 trip to Austria, including film of the journey there via Victoria Railway Station, Dover, Ostend, Brussels, Liege and Munich; a 1956 trip to Austria including Salzburg, Hallein, Mondsee and Berchtesgaden in Germany; a 1957 trip to Yugoslavia including a visit to Venice in Italy; an Easter 1957 visit to Italy, including film of Brussels, Pisa, Florence, Rome, Vatican City, Naples, Pompeii, Capri and Mount Vesuvius; a 1957/58 trip to Austria for winter sports in the Alps; a trip to Einsieden in the Winter of 1960-61; a trip to Switzerland in January of 1962; a 1965 trip to Czechoslovakia and Poland, including Prague; a trip to Kanderstag in the Winter of 1966; and a trip to Germany and Denmark in 1967. Also included are undated pieces of film probably from the late 1950s of: a trip to Scotland, including Gretna Green; relay races during a School's sports day; an interior shot of a cabinet television playing (possibly advertisements); and the 3rd Hackney Pack of Wolf Cubs.
Credits: Director: Joe Brearley
Keywords: Education; Travel abroad
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney; Kent; Dover; Yugoslavia; Italy; Venice; Pisa; Florence; Rome; Naples; Pompeii, Capri; Vatican City; Germany; Munich; Berchtesgaden; Kanderstag; Austria; Salzburg; Belgium; Ostend; Brussels; Liege; Denmark; Czechoslovakia; Prague; Poland