A Day at the Centre
VHS Colour Sound 1992 18:00

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Summary: A film shot at the North East London Jewish Day Care Centre.
Title number: 2260
LSA ID: LSA/2947
Description: A film shot at the North East London Jewish Day Care Centre in Stanford Hill in Hackney, made by the users of the centre. The film present the facilities available including a library, cafeteria, advice service, shop, keep fit classes, and an arts and crafts department. Includes interviews with Sandra, a care worker on what her job entails and why she chose the profession; Leo who runs the grocery shop on what he stocks; and Richard Mums, the catering manager on the kitchen services, on the subject of keeping milchig (dairy products) and fleischig (meat) separate for kosher food preparation.
Credits: director: George Hill
Keywords: Elderly; Urban life
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney; Stoke Newington