Gwen and Ex-Pupils Reunion / Hackney Archives / Edred House / Kingsland School
VHS Colour Sound 04.07.1997 30:00

Summary: Record of a reunion of Gwen Fillery and other pupils of Dalston County Secondary school on the 50th anniversary of 'Day in the life of an English Schoolgirl'
Title number: 2249
LSA ID: LSA/2931
Description: Unedited video footage of Mrs Gwendoline Fillery (nee Larner) on the 50th anniversary of 'Day in the life of an English Schoolgirl' a series of photographs of Mrs Fillery taken when she was 13 years old by the Ministry of Information for use in publicity in Australia. The video features a reunion of Mrs Fillery and other women who were pupils of Dalston County Secondary school. Mrs Fillery is also followed to Edred House on the Kingsmead Estate where she lived with her parents when the photographs were taken and to Kingsland School (formerly Dalston County Secondary school). At Kingsland School the local press take photographs of the former pupils, and the women talk to the current head mistress Jill Bunce and students at the school.
Credits: director: Michael Kirkland
Further information: Title in Hackney Archives print catalogue is 'Larner Day' 4 July 1997. Hackney Archives hold copies of the original photographs, and the reunion is covered in the Archive's newsletter The Hackney Terrier, No. 44, Autumn 1997.
Keywords: Education
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney; Homerton