Woodberry Down Over 60s Jamboree
VHS Colour Sound 21.09.1991 18:00

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Summary: Jamboree on the Woodberry Down Estate in Hackney put on by the Woodberry Down Over Sixties.
Title number: 2247
LSA ID: LSA/2929
Description: Jamboree on a common green in the Woodberry Down Estate in Hackney put on by the Woodberry Down Over Sixties. The event is opened by Hackney Mayor, Councillor Jerry Rose, a pensioner himself, celebrating his 71st birthday that day. Mayor Rose speaks of his commitment to support older people, people with disability and children at risk. He talks about his success in getting the terms of the pensioner's travel permit extended, but warns of the ongoing impact of the abolishment of the GLC and the Conservative government's plans to deregulate the London bus service. The audience sing 'happy birthday' to the Mayor and he is presented with flowers. A young steward for the event called Siddiq interviews Mr Shah, one of the Woodberry Down Over Sixties, asking him about his work for British Telecom prior to retiring, the development of British Telecom over that time, what the Major government is doing to improve the environment and the green agenda in politics, the treatment of the elderly and the poor by the government, and the problems of the poll tax. There follows some general views of the jamboree including stalls selling various items, face painting, an auction and a barbeque. An organiser of the event describes the Woodberry Down Over Sixties successful campaign to improve disability access over the period 1990 to 1991 and the programme of activity concluding with this jamboree and treasure hunt for the estate.
Keywords: Elderly; Urban life
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney