Woodberry Down Over 60s Opening Day
VHS Colour Sound 26.06.1992 16:00

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Summary: The opening Day of the Woodberry Down Centre for the over Sixties on the Woodbery Down Estate in Hackney.
Title number: 2246
LSA ID: LSA/2928
Description: Amateur video of activities and events on the opening day of the Woodberry Down Over 60's Project Annexe on the Woodbery Down Estate in Hackney, at 12 Newnton Close, N4. The video includes an optician from the 'outside clinic' giving domiciliary services to local residents speaking about their work, a photo shoot with the Mayor and workers from the centre, and speeches from the centre manager and the Mayor.
Keywords: Community centres; Elderly; Urban life
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney