The Singing Pensioner: Ridley Road
VHS Colour Sound 1990 8:00

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Summary: Danny Freeman sings in Ridley Road market in Dalston to raise money for the Pensioner Fighting Fund.
Title number: 2244
LSA ID: LSA/2926
Description: Pensioner Danny Freeman filmed in Ridley Road Market in Dalston, Hackney singing acapella to raise money for the Pensioner Fighting Fund. Mr Freeman holds a collecting tin and a small whiteboard while he sings. The whiteboard has written upon it the aims of the Pensioner Fighting Fund: to safeguard the NHS and to increase the miserly pensions of singles and married couples. The whiteboard also gives details of the Pensioners Liaison Forum: Chairman - Jack Jones, Secretary - Roland Worth. Following film of Mr Freeman singing various songs, general shots of market stalls, traders and shoppers he is filmed speaking directly to the camera. He talks about how he is singing as his contribution to the Fighting Fund and encourages others to get involved with supporting the pensioners' movement in whatever way they can.
Keywords: Elderly; Urban life
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney