Sarah Remembers / Kingshold Day Centre
VHS Colour Sound Unknown 6:00

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Summary: The spoken memories of Sarah, a Hoxton pensioner are overlaid with film illustrating the places and events she remembers.
Title number: 2240
LSA ID: LSA/2922
Description: The spoken memories of Sarah, a 68 year old pensioner who was born in Hoxton and lived there her entire life, are overlaid with film illustrating the places and events she remembers. The film was made as Hoxton was changing with new developments and tower blocks replacing some of the older buildings. Sarah recalls: living above stables with her family; shelling peas in the pub and drinking with other women at The Unicorn (Hoxton Street), The Green Man (Hoxton Street), The Plough and The Bacchus (Hoxton Street); seeing 'turns' at Hoxton's music halls like the Variety; John Long pawnbrokers on Hoxton Street and soldier's wives pawning their wedding rings to raise funds; the eel pie shop in Hoxton Market; the post office on Hoxton High Street; the Hoxton Bakery on Hoxton Street; funeral services and undertaker's vehicles; the bombing of the Blitz and seeking shelter in a factory on Drysdale Street; modern house demolition on Cullen[?] Street, the replacement of little houses with flats in tower blocks; Hoxton Market and the threat of supermarkets; and how she used to dance in the street to a barrel organ.
Credits: director: Wilf Watters
Further information: Very well made, obviously from a film original (not held in archive) with great footage of Hoxton in the early 1970s (possibly).
Keywords: Elderly; Urban life
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney