Keep Going: Adult Education in Hackney
VHS Colour Sound 1988 26:00

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Summary: Video about adult education activities in Hackney participated in by the over 50s.
Title number: 2239
LSA ID: LSA/2921
Description: Lily Cook, a founder member and management committee member of the Hackney Pensioners' Project and Adult Education user introduces this video on adult education activities in Hackney participated in by the over 50s. It shows a wide range of educational activities from keep fit classes in Woodley Down, a music appreciation group, a Black and Ethnic Minority organisation meeting at the Wally Foster Centre, a nature study class, a craft class at the Kingshold Day Care Centre, a pensioners luncheon club, middle eastern dance class, the Chelmer Road discussion group and a visit to Hackney City Farm by a 'Nature in the City' group. Several of the pensioners using these services are interviewed and speak about the value they find in the classes, the companionship and activity they provide and fears over the effect of proposed cuts. The video was made against the background of the closure of the Inner London Education Authority, with funding and responsibilities for adult education transferring to the individual London boroughs, many were concerned that this would mean a reduction in services.
Keywords: Education; Elderly; Urban life
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney