The 1987 Hackney Show
VHS Colour Sound 1987 20:00

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Summary: Amateur video around the 1987 Hackney Show including pensioner's public transport protest.
Title number: 2235
LSA ID: LSA/2917
Description: Hackney Library bus, RSPB bus (both routemasters), stall for transport protest. Other stalls. Music and dance performances on the 'show stage', punks, ice cream van 'tonibell' stuck in the mud, Hackney Community Transport, Hackney Council for Racial Equality, Rio Film Tent (shot inside showing Donald Duck cartoon), London Bubble, fresh shell fish for sale, 'Apartheid ) I Wont Buy It' stall, marching band parade inc Hackney Carnival banner, horse drawn cart, people in costume, on stilts, beer tent, Hackney & Tower Hamlets A/A (anti apartheid) stall including poster for solidarity with SWAPO (South Africa) and support for Nelson Mandela, Hackney Trade Union Support Unit stall, CND stall, kids face painting, African dance display.
Keywords: Fairs (entertainment)
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney