Hackney Against The Poll Tax
VHS Colour Sound 1990 36:00

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Summary: Members of the Brook Road Senior Citizens Group discuss the poll tax with a representative of Hackney Against the Poll Tax Federation.
Title number: 2232
LSA ID: LSA/2914
Description: Elizabeth Short, a representative of Hackney Against the Poll Tax Federation
(a federation of anti-poll tax unions in the borough), speaks to a group of black Hackney pensioners from the Brook Road Senior Citizens Group and agitates for direct action against the poll tax through non-payment. She talks about the unaffordability of the tax, its socially regressive structure, the difficulties for Hackney families, the network of support for those unable to pay and the affect of the poll tax on council services and the local population. Following her presentation many of the pensioners talk about their feelings about the poll tax and the general economic situation they face.
Keywords: Elderly; Political activists; Urban life
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney