Breaking the Sound Barrier
Standard 8mm film Colour Sound 1986 5:00

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Summary: Breaking The Sound Barrier
Title number: 22267
LSA ID: LSA/29327
Description: A woman walks along a road, overhead we see Concorde flying over.
Title : Breaking The Sound Barrier
She sees a milk float and chats to the milkman and continues and a car pulls up to ask directions. He drives away and she meets a woman cyclist who swerves to miss her.
She arrives at a house and as he goes to then front door, another women, dressed in red, starts to talk to her and gives her a handbag.
The woman enters her house and takes off coat and hat and enters living-room.
She makes a cup of tea and we see a clock pendulum,
We then see her remembering the people she met earlier.
She is sitting in her living-room and a man with an envelope, knocks on the window; she goes to to front door and he enters.
She makes him cup of tea and he points to something on her bookshelf and they are sitting down whilst he adjusts his hearing aid. The man opens the envelope to show a magazine. ("Hark")
She reads the magazine and he hands her a business card which says "The Sympathetic Hearing Scheme" and hands her some leaflets re Hearing aids.
Exterior shot of The Royal National Institute for the Deaf.
Interior shot of two men, one with headphones on. New shot of test equipment and aids for loss of hearing.
Back in her sitting-room, the man picks up a hearing-aid and points to it. Another shot of leaflet describing induction loops.
The man gets up to leave and she sees him out. She returns to living room to read a flyer that for the Middlesex and Surrey League for the hard of Hearing. She points towards a club night for an open evening.
Later......we see her put on a hat and coat and she joins the man to go out.
We see the list of events and she points out a Treasure Hunt.
Again, we see her put on a hat and coat and she joins man to go out.
New Shot of her pointing out another event, pub night.
We see her put on a hat and coat and she joins the man to go out.
The next thing on the programme is a Summer Outing and she meets the man and goes out.
The next shot is a Just Married sign on the back of a milk float which drives off into the distance.
A Kingston Movie Makers Club Production
Credits: Ann & Geoff Clark (Script); Ray Tibbetts (Camera operator); Larry White, Tony West; Stuart McKean (Sound); Clare Colman; David Cheetham (Editor); Ann Clark (Director)
Cast: Helen Emmens- woman; Albert Duff-milkman; Ann Clark-neighbour; Clare Colman- cyclist; David Cheetham- car driver;