Man on the Run
Super 8mm film Colour Silent 1981 6:40

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Summary: Man on the Run
Title number: 22266
LSA ID: LSA/29326
Description: Opening title: Man on the Run with a man running along a road. A car approaches him then a closeup of a foot hitting the break. Car driver slows down and man running along road gets into car and they drive off.
Shot taken from inside car looking forward with two men talking. Exterior shot of car driving along a road. A newspaper on the dashboard falls off - we see the headline "Man on the Run".
The fugitive tells the driver to pull over and stop, closeup of foot hitting the break peddle. Fugitive gets out of car, then a shot of a passenger train. Shot of fugitive running over footbridge and stops to see trains passing below. Climbs up safety rail to jump. Shot of moving train with fugitive hanging onto back of it. Train stop and he climbs down and runs away.
Shot of car park where fugitive gets into white car where there is a briefcase on the seat. He drives off, turns on radio. Shot from interior of car of him driving through the countryside. Turns off radio, pulls over at an aerodrome, parks the car. He gets out and takes the brief case with him as he runs towards a plane. The fugitive gets into a plane and it takes off. Shots in the plane of a gauge. Shot of plane in air and then we see something dropping from plane. Next shot is of him in the bushes near a castle where he climbs through a window with the briefcase.
Interior shot of castle - a table with a decanter and glass. Fugitive puts down the briefcase and gets out a box of Milk Tray Chocolates which he puts down.
New shot of fugitive wearing a cape and on a motorcycle leaving castle. New shot of a woman's hand moving towards the chocolate box.
The end
Credits: A Cumming, G Clark, P Real
Further information: Our thanks to King Air