In Step With The Future
VHS Colour Sound 1992 18:00

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Summary: An official video produced to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Laboratory of the Government Chemist.
Title number: 2226
LSA ID: LSA/2907
Description: An official video produced to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Laboratory of the Government Chemist. Using dramatic reconstructions of events in the history of the Laboratory it shows how the past has shaped the present organisation. The stories of the first analysis of tobacco adulteration in 1842, the laboratory's role in the Lucifer Match inquiry in Hackney and their analysis of dried meat to be used on Captain Scott's Antarctic expedition are all explored. The modern laboratory is shown at work testing for Legionnaires Disease, investigating fraudulent documents, identifying illegal drugs, analysing pesticides and performing a range of other scientific examinations.
Credits: director: Ron Maynerd
Keywords: Trade
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney