Mind my Bike
Super 8mm film Colour Mute 1982 11:07

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Summary: A young man seeking employment attempts to rob a Garden centre and is arrested
Title number: 22253
LSA ID: LSA/29310
Description: Kingston Movie Makers with logo (K) Across the street scene outside a job centre with a white van. A man looks into the Job centre window and his reflection is caught in the window, A blue car passes by. A man passes by the Job centre riding his bike rolling credits Kingston Movie Makers present Roy Jordan Helen Emmens and Albert Duff in Mind my Bike with Rosemary Anderson, Geoff Clark and Peter Freeman which fade out. A man walks his bike towards a caravan and parks his bike next to it. Inside the caravan he engages in a conversation with a young woman and then washes the windows, with a radio seen in the background. He drops his washcloth and bucket and quickly jumps on and cycles away. He is seen cycling on a muddy path, with horses seen in the background. The next shot is the man getting to his feet by a bale of hay, seemingly having fell. He parks his bike by a farm shop and walks into the Elm Farm shop. Inside the shop he speaks to the Shop Assistant, who leaves the shop, in her absence he robs the till. A man dressed in a blue overall runs from a nearby shop unit to see what had gone on. The robber tries to get on his bike but finds the seat missing. He is then apprehended by the shop assistant and a Policeman.
Credits: Jordan, Roy (Composer); Freeman, Peter Clark, Geoff (Camera operator); Clark, Ann; White, Larry Clark, Ann (Producer); Clark, Geoff (Producer); Jordan, Roy (Director)
Locations: Elm Farm Surrey