Old Harbour, Jamaica
Super 8mm film Colour Silent 1971 18:00

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Summary: Old Harbour, Jamaica
Title number: 22217
LSA ID: LSA/29264
Description: Title: Department of Education and Science, Short Course N174
Jamaica 1971
IT: Old Harbour Primary School
Filmed at Old Harbour Jamaica, July 1971 by J D Mowatt and A C Everton
A shot of a school gate and people sitting by the gate. A large sign outside the school: "Ministry of Education Old Harbour Primary School. Another project under the governments five year independence plan, 1963-1968" with children standing under the sign.
A shot of the outside of the school from across the road with people gathered in front of the school. Children going into school. A shot of the interior of a classroom with empty desks. More shots of the interior of the school followed by exterior shots of the playground a student climbing up a palm tree. Two girls skipping then shots of the exterior of the school with students lining up to go into the school.
Shot of the school assembly followed by a shot of a class being taken outdoors under trees to play: playing around a water tower; a stick and hoop game; climbing frame. Shot of children milling about the road eating flat breads; ice being scraped to make snow cones.
Shot of children playing with the skipping rope; playing tag; drinking out of a water fountain; children posing for the camera.
Shot of children in a letter writing class - firstly writing a letter to a classmate who is in hospital and writing a letter to a pen pall.
Shot of the school bus followed by a shot of the beach with children playing in the sea and on the beach.
Shot - back in classrooms followed by shot of children in playground. A girl is dancing with crowd of friends standing around her. Shot of girls in dance class posing for camera. Followed by shot of boys playing cricket. Shots of boys dressed up with wooden swords, shields and drums performing a dramatic entertainment including a dance element and sword fighting.
Ends with a shot of the school sign.
Credits: Mowatt, J D (Filmmaker); Everton, A C (Filmmaker)