West Ham Schools: Nursery and Junior Schools I
16mm film Black & White Silent 1936 16:40

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Summary: 1936. Some characteristic phases of education in Primary, Central and Day Continuation Schools
Title number: 22213
LSA ID: LSA/29257
Description: Title: County Borough of West Ham, 1936. Some characteristic phases of education in Primary, Central and Day Continuation Schools
Intertitle: Nursery and Infant Schools
IT: A day in a nursery school
A garden scene with a number of mixed boys and girls sitting at small tables, various activities, being overseen by a nursery teacher. Summer time. Slides, climbing frames, swings, sand box, paddling pool, children in bathroom brushing their teeth and being washed in large sinks by staff. Eating outside with some children acting as servers. Afternoon naps on camp beds. Arts and crafts activities.
IT: Lunch with the babies
Toddlers sitting at tables. One child is handing out placemats, plates. Milk being handed out by milk monitor. Saying their prayers.
IT: Playtime on a wet day
Children indoors playing hoola hoops, rocking horse, teddy bears pushed in a pram and a seesaw.
IT: "Organised" playtime
Hundreds of children playing outdoors, spinning, jumpting - all very chaotic but fun - usual games, ring a ring a rosie, London Bridge.
IT: Sense training and open air activities
skipping rope, hoola hoop, hop scotch and general running about
IT: "Safety first" and street scene
Indoors street scene with toy cars and traffic lights, learning about road safety.
IT: Percussion band
Children playing tambourines, triangles, clapping, glockenspiel, castanets and cow bell, all the time being conducted by a young girl.
IT: Crowning the May Queen
Procession of queen and her princesses, with banners.
IT: Junior Schools. Eight year olds and Buttercups
Outdoors with girls in gym outfits filing into the school and changing back into school clothes and students distributing buttercups to other students which are being examined and the teacher asking questions, writing and drawing them.
IT: Practical arithmetic as seen through the school "shop"
A stall with tins has been set up in the school assembly hall. Children doing sums working out their spend.
IT: nine-year-olds dramatise history
Young girls file back into school, sit down at their desks and get out their notebooks. Some of the students are acting out historical figures.
IT: Ten-year-olds enjoy spray baths
Children enter spray baths room where they wrap in towel, head to toe and enter cubicles. Ending with adult wringing out the towels.
The end