Garden 1950, Little Holland 1950, Northolt (Sept 1949); Spiders Webb 1950; Trains at Northwood 1950
16mm film Colour Silent 1950 0:00

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Summary: Garden 1950, Little Holland 1950, Northolt (Sept 1949); Spiders Webb 1950; Trains at Northwood 1950
Title number: 22197
LSA ID: LSA/29223
Description: Snow at home (Moor Park road) including footage of sun dial and tennis court. Chris playing in the snow aged 3/4. Gardener shovelling snow. Aunty Betty lighting a pipe for Ronald. Chris being pushed around in wheelbarrow. Whipsnade Zoo: gibbons, seals, elephant rides, deer. Out of focus tiger. Polar bear and peacock. Wimbledon, 1950. Footage of crowds, closeups, Tennis players, match, etc: Australian tennis player Frank Sedgman and Budge Patty. Tenby beach Wales - Chris and Tony playing at beach, Chris trying on sunglasses. Footage of labradour pups with Aunty Hilda.