Dartmoor farming documentary
16mm film Black & White Sound 1943 16:40

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Summary: Dartmoor farming documentary
Title number: 22188
LSA ID: LSA/29207
Description: Farmhand with milk churn pouring a pail of milk into a processing machine (rollers) into a milk churn. I/T 'After the milk has been cooled to keep fresh longer, it is bottled'. Milk is transferred into milk bottles which are loaded onto lorry with milk churns.
I/T 'In the lowlands there are more rodas and railways. So it is easier to get the milk fresh to a large town. The milk from this farm goes to Torquay, a neighbouring sea side resort.'
A map shows the route of the Lorry to Totnes, Paignton, Torquay.
A seafront shows a crowded beach with may people.
I/T 'Some of the milk might go to factories to be turned into devonshire cream, dried milk or other products'.
A chimney with smoke, Dawes Creameries on the side, Factory views with churns of milk.
I/T 'The farms you have seen are in Devon. But in most parts of Britain upland farms are EXTENSIVE and animals are more important than crops'.
Scenes of uplands with cows.
I/T 'And most of our important milk producing regions are the lowlands, where the grass is richer and the land can produce more'.
View of farms, hills and crops, root vegetables.
I/T 'This farm lies in a sheltered valley, where it is protected from strong winds and rains of the uplands'.
View of sky and countryside with stormy winds.
I/T 'This is where the farm is situated'.
Map of Cornwall Devon, Exmore and Dartmoor indicating location of farm.
I/T 'The land round the farm looks like this. How do you think the Farmer lives?'
Scenes of wild countryside, remote, streams, with sheep and cows.
I/T 'Have you noticed there no pictures of ploughed land?'
I/T 'As the soil is very poor the Framer can only grow a small variety of crops close to his farm'
Sheep are shown being sheared, with farmers bundling and weighting the wool and corralling the sheep back into pens.
I/T 'The farmers cattle are called beef or store cattle. This means they are kept mainly for their meat. But the cows must also be milked every day,'
A farmer milks a cow
I/T 'The Farmer will also keep other animals on the moors he has ponies which run wild most of the year'.
Ponies are seen running wild on the moorland.
I/T 'Every September they are rounded up and some of them taken to the annual fayre to be sold'.
Lots of ponies are rounded up at the farm, scene of town with Farmer taking ponies to the fayre
I/T 'In the farmyard are chickens, geese and pigs. These are cheap to keep and bring in some more money'.
View of farmyard of chickens, pigs, ducklings, geese.
I/T 'Every so often the Framer goes into the nearest Market some of his Cattle may be sold to lowland farmers. He may also sell some other produce or buying new stock'.
Scenes of a large market with livestock being sold.
Framer on a horse and some dogs on a large moor, with dead sheep. The Farmer picks up the lamb, against a grey and ominous sky, with the Framer in silhouette carrying the Lamb, and returning the Lamb to an enclosure. Farmer pours milk into a small bottle, hands to a dog, who races to the small Lamb and feeds the Lamb.