La Liga
MPEG-4 Colour Sound 2022 11:54

Summary: A documentary about the Latin American women's football league, La Liga whose base is in Burgess Park, Camberwell, south east London.
Run entirely by dedicated volunteers, La Liga is a weekly football tournament held in Burgess Park, Southwark. The tournament provides a space for women of all nationalities, many of whom are from Latin American communities, to play football in a safe and supportive environment. The majority of filming took place during the La Liga’s first Mondialito (World Cup) championship in summer 2021, when the teams played for the trophy accompanied by the BBQs, drinks, music and socialising off the pitch that Burgess Park in Camberwell, South east London has been known for. The film documents the players, coaches and organisers talking about how sport can be a way to connect communities and how La Liga makes space for integration of newly migrated women into a wider community.
Title number: 22182
LSA ID: LSA/29199
Description: English Subtitles throughout.
00:00 views of footballers' legs running around pitch and shouts from players in Spanish. 00:13 Title LA LIGA. 00:24 caption "Burgess Park" WS view of female football players on pitch and various views of players with backdrop of the Aylesbury housing estate.
V/Os women talking about the women who play for La Liga
02:04 - I/V Ana Martin talks about coming from Spain and starting with La Liga 3 years ago as a player and now a coach and how the league helped her and daughter intergrate into country.
03:20 - Amparo talks about running group called Latin American Multicultural Group through which they run La Liga in Burgess Park which started in 2015 and why she loves the club.
04:40 - I/V Monica talks about her time playing for La Liga, (C/As women playing) her early life bringing children up and coming back to play. Football has given her social network.
06:02 - I/V Carolina and Vanessa (mother and daughter) talk about playing together and community spirit of football and the diversity of their team. C/As spectators and players.
07:53 - Yuki V/O into I/V - talks about her team Sunflowers FC and how La Liga helped and supported them as a novice football team and why Burgess Park is so important to their community.
09:47 - I/V Elena Madrid speaks about her team Real Madrid, how they established. 09:50 /c/A women playing ad Amparo by table of trophies.
10:34 - Elena V/O - women footballers walking toward camera talking, smiling, embracing, celebrating. Elena talks about why La Liga is important and why needs to continue.
11:00 - coach presenting medals. Fade to black.
11:34 - subtitles "Amparo! Amparo!"
11:42 - End credits
11:54 - End.
Credits: Justyna Kabala (Camera operator); Justyna Kabala (Sound); Justyna Kabala (Editor); SYRUP (Grace Crannis, Emily Briselden-Waters) (Producer); Renata Miranda Antelo; Alice Kilkenny
Cast: Ana Martin; Amparo Rendon; Monica; Carolina and Vanessa; Yuki; Elena Madrid.
Further information: Funded by London College of Communication Research Funding Award (London 2021-2022). With thanks to Amparo Rendon (founder of Latin American Multicultural Group), Will and all the players who appeared in and were part of the film. Special thanks to Vanessa, Carolina, Yuki, Ana, Elena, Kattia, and Monica.
Keywords: Sport; Culture; community; football; women; Latin American
Locations: Camberwell