The Gap
VHS Colour Sound c.1995-2005 17:45

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Summary: A play by Clifford Oliver performed by Atc Theatre Ensemble, Barking. A video with a parents' booklet and teachers' resource.
Title number: 22171
LSA ID: LSA/29182
Description: What help do young people really want when choosing options?
How can parents provide the support teenagers need?
In today's confusing workplace and complex education pathways, how can we help our children find out what will be right for them?
These questions were explored in a national survey of teenagers. Young people described the careers and life guidance they'd been given. They told of what went well and what did not help. Overwhelmingly they turn to their parents for help. But some parents were more able to help than others. It seems there is a gap between parents' dreams and the child's reality, a gap between old style jobs and the workplace of tomorrow. For some parents and teenagers there is a communication gap.
Key messages are illustrated in this specially written play. Entertaining and funny, it's ideal for showing to groups of parents at school or in other settings. Careers teachers and parents' groups will find it a useful addition to their resources. The pack contains a cartoon style parents' booklet and a teaching resource.