The Social Model
DVD Colour Sound c.2000-2005 21:26

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Summary: A film commissioned by the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham with a series of case studies demonstrating the challenges faced by people with disabilities and providing advice on best practice.
Title number: 22164
LSA ID: LSA/29166
Cast: Julian Sims, Luke West, Cesare Caruana, Pauline Caruana, Paul Bradbury, Anne Strike, Jacqui Press, Tamlin Howard, Linus Morris, Jack Howard, Ted Jolly, Iram Zahid, Samiya Sayed.
Further information: Supported by Disablement Association Barking and Dagenham, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, Barking and Dagenham Mencap, Neighbourhood Renewal Unit, and Phab in Essex.