Little Holland
16mm film Colour Silent 1949 10:00
London's Screen Archives
Subcollection: Ronald Adams Collection
Category: Home Movie
Theme: Travel/travelogue Leisure

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Summary: Summer holiday in Little Holland, Clacton
Title number: 22159
LSA ID: LSA/29156
Description: Inter-title: Summer Holiday at Little Holland 1949
Preparing to go on holiday, exterior shot of family and cars leaving for Little Holland.
Picnic en route and arrival at Little Holland
Eating ice cream in back garden and then family on beach; Canoeing in sea and playing in water;
Inter-title: A Short Trip. On a boat called The Gay Commodore; view of Clacton Pier from boat as they depart; last time on beach before packing up and going home.
Inter-title: The End
Keywords: Essex; Little Holland; Clacton
London's Screen Archives
Subcollection: Ronald Adams Collection
Category: Home Movie
Theme: Travel/travelogue Leisure