Crystal Palace, 1932
16mm film Black & White Silent 1932 5:22

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Summary: Boy Scouts rally at Crystal Palace, 1932
Title number: 22154
LSA ID: LSA/29149
Description: Opening shot is the printed programme of the Boy Scouts Association, South Lambeth District, Crystal Palace Rally, 4 Jun 1932. External shot of Crystal Palace (possible stock footage); view of the programme with finger pointing to tumbling etc; shots of young scouts running, jumping and tumbling; tents in the background; back to programme indicating Lashing and then a shot of boys lassoing; back to programme indicating semaphore signalling followed by a shot of scouts signalling with semaphore flags; back to programme indicating a flag parade, followed by boys parading with banners and flags of different companies, some boys with black face wearing "national dress'; back to programme with Chief's visit to our arena followed by Baden Powell arriving on horseback; scene of boys climbing on a rope bridge; other activities. Wide shots of crowds and Crystal Palace walkway. Shot of Baden Powell? driving away.
Credits: Daniels (Filmmaker)
Keywords: London; Boy scouts; South Lambeth; Baden Powell