In the Shadow of War
VHS Colour Sound 1986 30:00

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Summary: Video testimony from, and for, Nicaragua.
Title number: 2214
LSA ID: LSA/2895
Description: Campaigning film from Christian Aid about development projects in Nicaragua. It places international development in the context of the Managua earthquake, the Somoza regime, the 1979 popular uprising led by the Sandinistas and the US supported counter-revolutionary Contra military campaign. The film stresses the importance of working with grassroots projects and the church's critical participation in programmes with the Sandinista government.
Credits: director: Wolf Tirado; director: Jackie Reiter; director: Linde Rivera; director: Marta Jimenez; director: Enrique Berrios
Keywords: Campaign groups; Politics
Locations: Nicaragua; Managua; San Lorenzo