Unveiling of Winston Churchill statue in Woodford
16mm film Colour Silent 1959 3:00

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Summary: Short film edited together celebrating the unveiling of the statue of Winston Churchill in Woodford in 1959 with earlier footage of Churchill visiting Woodford in 1945.
Title number: 22136
LSA ID: LSA/29130
Description: Unveiling of statue of Winston Churchill, 30 Oct 1959, in Woodford Green (film stock 1958). David McFall (1919-1988) was commissioned to sculpt the statue. It was unveiled by Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery on the 30 Oct 1959. News cameras and photographers can be seen before the statue is unveiled.
An earlier film (film stock 1945) of Churchill and Clementine making a speeches outdoors in Woodford. Brass band with march past of nurses, navy.
Another visit to Woodford before the General Election July 1945 (film stock 1942) People waiting in the rain Churchill is seen attending the ceremony marching through the crowd, making his famous V sign with Clementine Churchill beside him. He answers questions from a person in the crowd. The Crowd celebrates. IT quote. (Film stock 1945)
Back to the footage of the statue that began the film to end.
Credits: Martin, Sydney Francis (Filmmaker)
Cast: Winston Churchill, Clementine Churchill
Further information: The third section according to the IT the crowd waiting in the rain before the General Election (July 1945)
Keywords: Winston Churchill; General Election; Clementine Churchhil
Locations: Woodford, Essex