Peace Breakfast 22 Sept 2011
MiniDV video cassette Colour Sound 2011 0:00

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Summary: A videotape of a Peace Breakfast that took place on 22 September 2011 featuring people who have been affected by crime including Grace Idowu, Abdul Mohammed and Terry Waite CBE.
Title number: 22121
LSA ID: LSA/29108
Description: Grace Idowu 07’45 Good morning everyone. Lost my boy in 2008, David b. 31.8.93 Stephen Lawrence killed in April ’93 … (lists killings) … stabbed in the heart, struggled for 20 days but we lost him. I wanted to know about David … police told me he was totally innocent. Throughout the trial of his killer, the boy said not a word. Only in 2010 did he agree to meet Grace. “I don’t know David. Globe Academy. I got angry and stabbed him. … train our children, a lot of resources wasting putting them in prison and in the grave. All our religions preach Peace! 19’30 … diverse cultures … try not to blame our past … let us forgive each other and live in peace. Thank you very much. 20’30” Abdul Mohammed responds with thanks. Yoruba is our second language in Southwark. Intros two poets … (Black and white) twins (!) integration togetherness and unity … recites a poem on Peace, on jumping to conclusions. 26’55 Abdul M intros Cllr Anood Al-Samurai, Leader of the Opposition. Quotes Camus: “Don’t walk ahead of me, I may not follow; do not walk behind me, I may not
lead, walk beside me and be my friend.” 30’00” intros Terry Waite, conflict resolution. 13 doctorates, freedom of Canterbury and Lewisham. 31’00 Terry Waite CBE story of John McCarthy coming out of captivity. Taxi driver said after a while: “Excuse me Mr McCarthy but would you not be more comfortable in the boot?!” I was in Ukraine, valley of 600, stood there, we never seem to learn from history. I have been in conflict zones – Vietnam war women and children and civilian population suffer most. 4.5 yrs bound hand and foot, no light, no communication, no muscle tone, beard long and white, I was old before my time. Had to recognise suffering part and parcel of life, mystery why it happens. Something creative can emerge. Opportunity to look within. Journey into self/Self. Mix of positive and negative. All subject in ourselves to prejudice and violence alongside the good and positive. Good music/language breathes harmony into the Soul. Story of finding an automatic weapon in the toilet – I’ve always said not to use Violence. I told the guard, to take it I would have lost integrity for my conscience. If we work for Peace, we ourselves will be tested. Israel and Palestine. 43’30”, forming bonds with others across divides. I worked in Ireland, wrote a poem and share it with you. About Belfast, peace begins in each one of us. Make firm commitment, keep hope alive. Original words of Christ are layered over with dogma etc. ‘Love God and your neighbour as yourself.’ Hostage UK I founded, story of Ken Bigley who was beheaded. Mrs Bigley said remarkable: ‘My suffering is no greater than a mother in Iraq who has just lost her son’. We are one people. Story of Carl Davis, composer, for which I wrote for the libretto … Peace is a fragile harmony of two souls. Peace be with you OQ 53’20”. Yomi Sode working with y.people in Peckham since 2001 recites a poem with strong racist autobiographical anecdotes woven in … ‘Peace begins with me’. 58’00”. Abdul M thanks and closes. c/a Simon Hughes with TW, poses for photo with two
young people, they chat. Nick Dunne, director of Bede House, looks on.
Cast: Grace Idowu; Abdul Mohammed; Councillor Anood Al-Samurai; Terry Waite CBE; Yomi Sode; Simon Hughes MP; Nick Dunne;
Keywords: Education; War; Knife crime; Stephen Lawrence