Peckham Space
MiniDV video cassette Colour Sound 2010 0:00

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Summary: A videotape selection of footage of films by primary school children, Peckham Town Centre Forum meeting, Somali Centre meeting, Peckham Railway Station old waiting room speeches and talks and The Bussey building.
Title number: 22120
LSA ID: LSA/29106
Description: Peckham Space 2010 – established by Emily Druiff screening of LYV films made by primary schoolchildren, secondary school students, students in a local PRU, opening words from S.American filmmaker, with “Decisions” (a film by Bede YAP) being screened. 03’10 Peckham Town Centre Forum meeting at Bussey Building July 2010 Somali centre mtg re its birthday, Simon Hughes present August 2010 Reprezent Youth Radio studio – filming of presenter Tariq introducing a show. 07’25” Old Waiting Room meeting March 2011, shots INT of people, ceiling, cutaways of trains passing, speech by local architect Dominic O’Looney re seeking to preserve heritage of the area and forthcoming Action Plan, ref to Peckham Society 11’15 cutaway of Tom Phillips and Eileen Conn … talk by American woman with slides about buildings in Rye Lane inc Bussey Bldg’s cricket bat factory history. 16’25 O’Looney returns 17’40 EXT c/as of station. 18’52 Theatre Local (a project by Royal Court to bring theatre to new areas) at The Bussey, EXT c/as (from this initiative The Bussey gained a lighting rig to formalise a ‘fringe’ theatre space on its third floor).
Keywords: Youth; Peckham; Railway; Somali