Dream Turns into Nightmare (Various)
VHS Colour Sound 1986 30:00

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Summary: Compilation of television news items about demolishing the Trowbridge Estate in Hackney.
Title number: 2212
LSA ID: LSA/2893
Description: Compilation of television news items about demolishing the Trowbridge Estate in Hackney. The news stories are drawn from Thames Weekend News, LWT News, TV-Am's Good Morning Britain, Thames News and London Plus. The footage includes a record of the destruction of high rise housing on the Trowbridge Estate, including an earlier failed attempt to blow up Northair Point, leading to the moniker 'the leaning tower of Hackney'. Hackney Mayor Jim Holland speaks about how the buildings were no longer fit for purpose and would be replaced by a low rise estate. There is also a report on protests by some residents of existing bungalows on the site who were resisting eviction, including comment from tenant Joyce Hayward.
Keywords: Housing; Housing policy;
Urban Planning
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney