SLG Vox Pops (+ edit master x3)
MiniDV video cassette Colour Sound 2011 0:00

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Summary: A videotape containing vox pop interviews in Peckham, south London near Peckham Pulse fitness centre for South London Gallery video project, 'Looking for Sierra Leone'.
Title number: 22118
LSA ID: LSA/29102
Description: SLG vox pops i/vs in Peckham near Peckham Pulse for ‘Looking For Sierra Leone’ South London Gallery video project vox pops and edit masters guys from Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Caribbean; 06’00 cutaways in street; girl from Gambia i/v; girl from Ivory Coast re Sierra Leone; i/v with guy no audio; 11’40 covered market c/as; i/v with British girl comparing life here and in Africa; busking Rasta 14’30 plays guitar and sings “No Woman No Cry” … audio drops out … c/as Rye Lane mute, camera returns to singer still mute; white guy to camera advising youth, i/v white guy on bus, i/v mature couple on bus, he went to Sierra Leone 15yrs ago; his partner wife spoke about diamond trade; 21’30” link to camera by presenter/interviewer Ishmal re comparing life for young people here and there; [occasional tape trouble] 23’15” TIMECODE drops out … then at 0’00 edit of vox pops above OQ 05’00” … second short film “Ignored – Mayhem in Lucas Gardens” 05’10 with young boys from a 3-day Half Term project touching on Stop & Search being pointless OQ 7’48”; 07’58” “I.D.” short film questioning identity keeping speakers’ faces out of shot until the end OQ 09’48.
Keywords: Culture; Young people; Africa; Diamonds