Getting the Benefit - GLC Welfare Rights Campaign
VHS Colour Sound 1984 28:00

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Summary: A video produced for the GLC explaining how portable computers are used to help pensioners get the maximum welfare benefits.
Title number: 2210
LSA ID: LSA/2891
Description: This video promotes the new portable computers being used in London to calculate benefits for senior citizens. The computers have been introduced as part of the GLC Welfare Rights campaign in order to improve the take up of benefits by older members of the community, especially those with mobility problems. Housebound pensioner Jim Streater is seen being visited at his flat by home help providing food and cleaning assistance. Peggy Corbett a worker at the London Borough of Islington is filmed taking place in a GLC pilot project using a portable computer that calculates benefit entitlements. She takes the machine to Mr Streater's house, asks him a number of questions regarding money, health and disability and enter the answers into the computer. Pensioner Lily Hanning depends on the ambulance service provided by Islington's Social Services to get around and it is seen taking her to New Park Day Centre where she takes part in the activities provided. Peggy Corbett visits Mrs Hanning at the Day Centre and use the portable computer there in order to reassess her needs and ensure that she is receiving all the benefits to which she is entitled. Peggy Corbett talks about the reaction of clients to the new computer, their concerns regarding security and the ease of using the machine.
Credits: Directed by: Peter Lydon; Written by: Charles Hodges; Narrated by: Karen Craig; Cameraman: Chris Goodger; Sound: Dave Wheatley; Production Assistant: Matthew Gammage; Produced by: Sue Gibson
Keywords: Elderly; Social services; Urban life
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Islington