Chalfont Holiday Hotel
16mm film Black & White Sound 1964 2:00

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Summary: Film of the Chalfonts Holiday Hotel in Hackney.
Title number: 221
Description: Two detached houses on a suburban street. Plaque commemorating Hackney Borough Council's opening of Chalfonts Holiday Hotel in April 1961 and the completion of the extension by the incorporation of No.15 Princess Avenue in March 1964. Interior of the Hotel lounge, Councillor Louis Sherman leads a group of people into the room in which several old people sit on sofas in front of an open fire. A table is laid out with food and plates. Three women wash and dry up in a kitchen. An interior shot of a bedroom including the bed, wardrobe, side table, mirror and room sink. Exterior shot of the Hotel garden and rear of the building. Some elderly people sit in deck chairs and walk about.
Keywords: Housing; Housing policy; Urban planning; Elderly
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney