KNIFE: DVD 1 section 1, Sessions 1-3
MiniDV video cassette Colour Sound 2005 59:05

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Summary: Educational project on knife crime built in sections, each comprising a number of ‘sessions’, and released in a 2-DVD set and produced with Southwark Police.
Title number: 22089
LSA ID: LSA/29062
Description: INTRO; 06’45” The Story of Joe (drama filmed in HMP Coldingley); 31’20 Can U B U? (with HMP Coldingley men); 37’20” The Fishknife and the Saab; 42’00” Angels, Jokers, Anger & Walls (HMP Coldingley men); 46’30” Knives & The Law with DC Rav Wilding; 51’12” on knives and policing, Changing Times, Peer Pressure, Protection, Being Bullied 54’50” a policeman’s story – true and tragic tale of a first-time knife carrier OQ 59’05”
Further information: KNIFE The Southwark DVD 2005
educational project on knife crime built in sections, each comprising a number of ‘sessions’, and released in a 2-DVD set and produced with Southwark Police:
Knife: Section 1 / DVD 1 – MiniDV
Knife: Section 2, 3, 4 / DVD 2 – MiniDV
Knife: Sections 4, 5 DVD 2 – MiniDV
Keywords: Police; Crime; Young people; Prison