CTVT Dubs & Southwark TV clips
MiniDV video cassette Colour Sound ? 0:00

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Summary: CIRA 2001 conference, Chris Haydon speaks with doyen of community media in US via video link; footage from UEL; 08’15” Forum theatre; 12’55” Charterhouse; 18’40” Corsica Arts Club promo; 19’35” ‘Creeper Mansion’ clip from horror film; 20’50” a large sculpture of an elephant is towed through Peckham; 21’35” clip of drama about police racism from ICE, an organisation in Sydney (AUS)
Title number: 22087
LSA ID: LSA/29059
Description: CIRA 2001 conference, Chris Haydon speaks with doyen of community media in US via video link; footage from UEL; 08’15” Forum theatre; 12’55” Charterhouse; 18’40” Corsica Arts Club promo; 19’35” ‘Creeper Mansion’ clip from horror film; 20’50” a large sculpture of an elephant is towed through Peckham; 21’35” clip of drama about police racism from ICE, an organisation in Sydney (AUS)