CTVT Compilation
MiniDV video cassette Colour Sound 2007 0:00

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Summary: Videotape containing a compilation of Community TV Trust videos including - Southwark TV promo (2003), Future Hear (2006), Southwark Hour, prog.3 & 4 (2005).
Title number: 22086
LSA ID: LSA/29057
Description: S.TV Promo 2003 / Healthy Eating inc interview with Tessa Jowell by a boy 2007 /
sugar weighed out from Lucozade /
02’37” Future Hear music project at Charterhouse 2006 /Creeper Mansion ‘horror’/
04’44” Gloucester PS discuss violent crime and computer games (from Southwark
Hour 2005 prog3 series2/Somali pupils at Lilian Bayliss TC 2005(no audio) /
“Paddick & The PRU” Brian Paddick visits Peckham estate and a group of PRU boys
2005 Southwark Hour prog 4 series 2 OQ 16’05” / Recognition Awards (audio drops
out) / S.TV promo by Swk College students / S.TV links to the Somali community /
Cast: Tessa Jowell MP; Pupils from Lilian Bayliss Technical College; Brian Paddick; Students from Southwark College.
Keywords: Diet; Crime; Pupil Referral Unit; Somali