My Elephant
MPEG-4 Colour Sound 2005 18:29

Summary: A film made by young people from the Kick Start Club and Elephant and Castle area of south east London on the prospect of their area and the Heygate Estate being demolished.
Title number: 22076
LSA ID: LSA/29031
Description: 00:00 – opening montage girl on swing, gvs Elephant and Castle shopping centre and roundabout, children playing and doing activities. 00:23 Title ‘My Elephant’ (commercial music ‘Dreamin’?). 00:27 – vox pops children giving views on the Heygate housing estate. Rebecca and Sammy Jo GVs around Elephant and Castle, walking on walls, playing, trying on clothes at outdoor market and inside shopping centre; Woolworths sweet counter). 01:55 Sammy Jo and Rebecca interview Mike Knell about demolition of Elephant and Castle area inside shopping centre. 02:13 – T/S views looking over Heygate Estate. 02:36 Knell asks girls ‘what would you like to see in the centre?’ 03:26 various I/Vs with public, business and stall holders in shopping centre. 05:30 ext. Michael Faraday memorial and GVs around E&C. 05:47 young people in art class and doing graffiti art classes in the shopping centre. 06:44 I/V Roy, Graffiti Artist – talks about love of graffiti art and satisfaction working with the youth and the respect he gets from them, C/As young people doing graffiti art on walls in shopping centre. 09:10 – I/Vs with young person Alfo, Uma about why they likes graffiti and how they became interested + GVs young people making graffiti art. 10:16 Scott and Billy talk about their feelings on the proposed demolition of the Heygate Estate (sitting on one of the stairwells of the estate) what would make the area better, references to people attempting suicide and stabbings and how people who do this should not be living on the estate. Billy talks about the ‘crack houses’ and references a man on Swanbourne Block who he thinks was depressed who took his own life. He thinks he is moving in 2006 and his mum wants a new place on the ground floor because the lifts are always breaking down. Scott thinks the estate has changed, there are more cultures but there should not be discrimination, speaks about drug use, more community wardens are needed and lack of care around maintenance of the estate. 13:42 – ext. Scott and Billy on high-rise landing, playing football in street and games pitch. 14:32 I/V David road sweeper for Southwark Council talks about what will happen when Heygate Estate is demolished, Gvs of estate. I/V with Elephant and Castle business owner about prospects of returning to E&C in new development and why he likes E&C. 15:45 Scott and Billy reflect on how they will feel once the estate is demolished (sad). Int. children playing games and painting at KickStart Club (16:07 music in). 16:30 James from Kickstart talks about his love of rap music. 16:53 Tommy from Kickstart talks about the loss of his favourite things on the estate – trees and ‘two favourite benches’ because it was a good turning point for when he cycles. 17:05 David looks forward to new E&C. 17:14 (& music) – ext. night group of children toward camera & gvs graffiti. 17:37 end credits over GVs Heygate estate. End (& music) 18:39
Credits: Gaywood Youth Club; Young residents from Heygate Estate (Filmmaker); Kick Start (Filmmaker); Greedes; Radier; Luc Skyz; Edge feat. Nubian (Composer); Sanda Kolar (Producer); Sanda Kolar (Editor)
Cast: Mike Knell; Roy; Alfo; Scott and Billy; David; James; Rebecca, Sammy Jo, Tommy
Further information: Sponsored by Elephant Links, Groundwork Southwark, NEON, Kick Start,
Keywords: Housing; community; Young people; re-development