MiniDV video cassette Colour Sound 2007 0:00

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Summary: What Is Local Media? Snowy streets with Wimbledon tennis news on the radio; African aerobics at Peckham Settlement Mon+Thurs; 02’00” Maudsley Hospital demonstration report with interviews re emergency clinic closure; 06’30” 'Southwark Hour' clip in radio station about animation project with
children; Chris Haydon re mainstream news; 09’55” “Far From Home” at Camberwell College of Art, musician plays zither; Yangon video report inc tour of TV station and YMCA; 17’40” video from Palestine filmmaker; 21’25” Dream In Blue by Nuala; Diss’’so nance film clip by D Rosier 27’12” media training at Bede with Moses, Angie Anderson and others
Title number: 22075
LSA ID: LSA/29028
Description: What Is Local Media? Snowy streets with Wimbledon tennis news on the radio; African aerobics at Peckham Settlement Mon+Thurs; 02’00” Maudsley Hospital demonstration report with interviews re emergency clinic closure; 06’30” 'Southwark Hour' clip in radio station about animation project with
children; Chris Haydon re mainstream news; 09’55” “Far From Home” at Camberwell College of Art, musician plays zither; Yangon video report inc tour of TV station and YMCA; 17’40” video from Palestine filmmaker; 21’25” Dream In Blue by Nuala; Diss’’so nance film clip by D Rosier 27’12” media training at Bede with Moses, Angie Anderson and others
Keywords: Culture; community; learning; Media