Screening interviews, Nov ‘04
MiniDV video cassette Colour Sound 2004 17:33

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Summary: Interviews with creatives who have worked with Southwark TV and footage from Southwark TV Screening.
Title number: 22069
LSA ID: LSA/29014
Description: Screening i/vs nov ‘04: Nuru Mkali young filmmaker with YAM interviewed by Chris Booth who worked on Southwark.TV. He talks about TV, why he doesn’t watch it; about local TV; about Southwark.TV OQ. 02’00”; footage from a Southwark.TV screening moderated by CH, in Blue Elephant Theatre, audience underlit … an example of local media overlapping with local life and people … contributors of various ethnicities and age; 07’25” i/v Paul Hodge commenting on some of what he watched and how he’s looking forward to coming again, mentions the regenerating of the Elephant & Castle estimated to take 12 years; Helen Webb i/v oher third visit, has learned about Southwark, seen the characters, grown in affection for Southwark, otherwise reads in local newspaper re crime and violence; i/v Ilaria Maré who just showed two films for community, regular screenings are important aspect of making films … this is important, support filmmaking, and hopes S.TV will continue; i/v Irascema who comments on local TV in Brazil and activism, thinks S.TV is great, a part of London culture OQ 17’33”
Cast: Nuru Mkali; Chris Booth; Paul Hodge; Helen Webb; Ilaria Mare;