OFCOM Nov '04
MiniDV video cassette Colour Sound 2004 0:00

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Summary: Testimonial re S.TV by Phyllis Gregory LBTS, Toby Waldron Swk Coll, Helen Webb AMRTC, Griff Davies of Livesey Museum, Ilaria Mare, Tony Lynes SPAG, Abdul Khadir of Somali group in Swk, Phyllis Gregory re Somali student attitude; Southwark.TV cinema promo 06’20”; SLAM Helen Shearn; Helen Foulds filmmaker; Charterhouse youth club 08’45” doc clip; SLAM interview clips; 11’35” Lucy Cope of Mothers Against Guns re black culture, stick up for it; trailer for Elefest; Blue Plaque Awards inc Zoe Wanamaker 13’45”; YAM film clip; Livesey; 17’00” English Martyrs PS horror film “Creeper Mansion”; 18’15” Bengali youth on Aylesbury REPA ‘Reality’; SD Farm;
21’10” CTVT project with TACT for people with disabilities; YPP film clip re sexual health on the streets; 25’40” “Oh Little Town” clip; 27’55” ICE intro to community group in Sydney plus clip from a film production; STEP 2004 at Globe Theatre
Title number: 22068
LSA ID: LSA/29012
Description: Testimonial re S.TV by Phyllis Gregory LBTS, Toby Waldron Swk Coll, Helen Webb AMRTC, Griff Davies of Livesey Museum, Ilaria Mare, Tony Lynes SPAG, Abdul Khadir of Somali group in Swk, Phyllis Gregory re Somali student attitude; Southwark.TV cinema promo 06’20”; SLAM Helen Shearn; Helen Foulds filmmaker; Charterhouse youth club 08’45” doc clip; SLAM interview clips; 11’35” Lucy Cope of Mothers Against Guns re black culture, stick up for it; trailer for Elefest; Blue Plaque Awards inc Zoe Wanamaker 13’45”; YAM film clip; Livesey; 17’00” English Martyrs PS horror film “Creeper Mansion”; 18’15” Bengali youth on Aylesbury REPA ‘Reality’; SD Farm;
21’10” CTVT project with TACT for people with disabilities; YPP film clip re sexual health on the streets; 25’40” “Oh Little Town” clip; 27’55” ICE intro to community group in Sydney plus clip from a film production; STEP 2004 at Globe Theatre
Cast: Phyllis Gregory; Toby Waldron; Helen Webb; Griff Davies; Ilaria Mare; Tony Lynes; Abdul Khadir; Helen Shearn; Helen Foulds; Charterhouse Youth Club; Lucy Cope; Zoe Wanamaker.