June '04 Review and Compilation
MiniDV video cassette Colour Sound 2004 0:00

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Summary: Film of Southwark TV's first birthday, featuring Mayor Blango, awards and compilation of films.
Title number: 22066
LSA ID: LSA/29008
Description: Mayor Blango at S.TV awards 1st birthday event, mentions Southwark Education;
Michelle Baharier re S.TV, likes radio training idea, local news website, no references needed to join; 5’00” Tony Lynes re S.TV; 08’35” Trevor Precious EDCC; 11’15” clip Shireen Ijoyah film re Peckham; YAM ‘Ghost Story’; Citizenship film; 14’40” Puddle;
S.TV promo with intro caption; Mayor sequence as above, Cooltan, Tony Lynes …
Cast: Mayor Blango; Michelle Baharier; Tony Lynes; Trevor Precious; Shireen Ijoyah;