STV Review SLAM and Aylwin (02.05.2003)
MiniDV video cassette Colour Sound 2003 57:00

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Summary: Interviews with users of London and Maudsley and Aylwin Girls School in Southwark on the skills and creativity gained from collaborating with Southwark TV.
Title number: 22052
LSA ID: LSA/28980
Description: SLAM (South London and Maudsley) & AYLWIN Girls School
c/a mugs … random remarks about death of a man who was confused about what
gender he wanted to be …
i/v Helen Shearn, SLAM re S.TV … to showcase skills, group working, practical skills.
Re pilot project and having a small team was good practically. Learning,
commitment, now open it up. Have done digital photography … i/v Tim M good
commitment, have blended all sorts of processes … Robert, service user: ref
‘Corridor’ film … CH oov refers to S.TV trailer playing in the cinema … Paula speaks
about confidence, flexibility of training is helpful, Tim made it easy, pushed us
further, learned loads, enjoyed the project. Robert: whetted appetite.
Woman: taking a film to various places, can do multimedia stuff with a purpose, an
end goal to learning. Ref to seeing new opportunities, learning about internet
etc.14’50 Sarah … been reinvented with this, confidence grown from little toe to half
of me, the team has been a flame that feeds itself, self-perpetuating, Tim has helped,
made us equal. I will apply for a grant to teach people in Cambridge House, £10K,
and I’m doing a mailout re submitting works of art. Sarah tells story of reading a
poem out, had never been able to do it. It was wow! Never ever done that before …
CH combination of reading against pictures was powerful and unforgettable. Now
being on video … confidence now three quarters! Paula: S.TV was saying about
communicating to wider community re being in hospital, sums up S.TV platform
being very individual, it was us saying how it was like. Paula comments again about
the meanings of the corridor. Helen re work responding to the corridor hanging in
the corridor. S.TV has been wider than just mental health, employment skills, being
team … Sarah reads a letter to ‘Mr.Mrs. General Public’ re mental health … re
searching for a voice. Paula – it is positive being in a project wider than just mental
health. Explaining to Tim about their world! (laughter) tackles prejudice … Tim:
enlightening experience, drive, enthusiasm, team seems to have no limits
34’30” John Butler, AYLWIN Girls School Money £3K brought the school into the
project. Website was a big attraction as school doesn’t yet have one. V young team
going out into community … going slowly. First hand telling now. With video they’ll
tell their stories. Child safety … more research re video suitable for the net. JB
describes the group – yr 11s, yr 8s. Focus on more than Aylwin. Poss make a video re
surviving local industry. Hope to add material every month to S.TV … History and
Geography Dept to be involved. Yr7 go to The Tower. Need to have a community
viewpoint (not Aylwin). Planning time is an issue, then time in editing … CH pushing
for commitment to regular output from the school. Year 10 could be it.Q: curriculum,
absorb it in? Govt is moving towards other ideas … to enable work to continue, it’s
money. Leadership viz safety is needed, plus a plan for the year. You’ve got to
censor, decide what’s going in, basic internet safety. In 6 months? A piece of video in
the website with sound, showing benefits all round … ref to Ofsted visit, 25% A-Cs
now 30%. CH: I hope S.TV will show character … everybody will enjoy that. Aylwin
school website will link to S.TV! More creative things can go on it. OQ 57’00
Cast: Helen Shearn, SLAM; Tim M; Robert; Paul; Sarah; John Butler, Aylwin Girls School
Keywords: Schools; learning; Film making; Skills