Early Bird
16mm film Black & White Silent ? 10:25

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Summary: Domestic comedy film of a man who oversleeps and thinks he is late for work
Title number: 22045
LSA ID: LSA/28965
Description: A domestic comedy starring Willy Martin-'Come the Dawn' (intertitle) sleeping man with close up of alarm clock-man puts alarm clock under the pillow-He wakes up distressed as he has overslept-Jumps out of bed struggles to find his other sock-falls down stairs-attempts to light gas for kettle without success-his wife serenely sleeps on-man washes and shaves at pace-dresses but struggles to find his stud collar-He makes a pot of tea-leaves the house and puts shoes on-finds he has made the tea without any tea-rushes into town buys paper and is told 'it's tuppence on a Sunday Sir'-realising his mistake that it is not a working day he goes home-steals his neighbours milk and makes a proper cup for his wife and sits and reads paper chuckling at the morning's events.
Credits: Martin, Sydney Francis (Director)
Cast: Willy Martin
Further information: Sydney Francis Martin lived in Wanstead & Woodford with his wife Mary and daughter Eileen. A very accomplished amateur filmmaker, he joined the Ilford Cine Club and went on to become a founder member of the Wanstead & Woodford Cine Club. He became chairman of the IAC (Film and Video Institute).
Whilst not all of these films show the London Borough of Redbridge, they are kept together as an archive of his filmmaking.
Specially commended Amateur cine world