Plunge Into Clubland (Theatre of Memory, Theatre of Myth)
DVD Colour Sound 2000 22:00

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Summary: Film of rehearsals and performances, artworks, poetry and music filmed at Walworth Methodist Church, formerly known as Clubland. In the Theatre of Memory, Theatre of Myth, rooms and rooftops of Walworth Methodist Church were occupied for 24 hrs by a groups of artist from around the world who responded to an area of hidden London using their individual artistry and creativity.
Title number: 21848
Description: 00:38 Man says he is going into 18th century costume to sing castrato
01:20 Woman talks about putting projections on the building
1:35 Dancer
2:40 Carpenter talks about the work he is doing for the activities
3:10 Film of a video maker and artworks
3:40 Performers in 18th century dress
5:24 Intercut film of artists, performers and artworks
08:48 Male performer in 18th century dress singing opera
11:30 Titles of artworks and performance pieces
11:42 Band playing
12:34 Guitarist and kazoo
12:57 Girls skipping and talking about holidays as children
13:50 Art installations
15:30 Performance artist/poet
18:21 Tap dancer
18:45 Actors dressed in 18th century costume
19:30 Performance artists and artworks
20:00 Credits
Credits: Michael Holland (Filmmaker)
Cast: Anita Ponton, Simon Monkhouse, Plate, Brian Catling, Anne Bean, Francis Cottell, Jane Beveridge, Lisa Cassato, David Ellis, Emma Melrose, Jennett Thomas, Syzygy, Karl Ingar Roys, Adrian Pulka, Laurence Harvey, Denise Lane, rob Flynt (Scopac), Zid theatre, Rachel Thew, Rene Eyre, Jem Rolls, Mark Wayman, Gavin Bennett, Tom Castle, David Kilpatrick, William Aitchson, Ernst Fischer, Twitch & Jerk, Rachel Gomme, viv Boot, Victor Mount, Robin Whitmore, Vic Lambrusco, Simon Aeppli, David Collins, Diary, Nick Rogers, Michael Holland, Anna Thew, Group People, robin Bale, Pedro Diabo & Lynn Medcalf, Jude Kerr, Janet petman, Martin Buron, Martin Coles, Gent & McCormack, The amazing Tomasini, Keyman, roland Miller, Sarah Gray, Babot & Palser, Bella Frey, Steve Bush, Mesma, Nigel Birch & the Fleapit Orchestra, Neil Robeson, MKULTRA performance collective, Naomi Siderfin.
Keywords: Theatre; Church; Dance; Artists