City Challenge: The Greenwich Waterfront. A Fresh Start for Woolwich and Plumstead
VHS Colour Sound 1992 10:18

Summary: City Challenge: The Greenwich Waterfront. A Fresh Start for Woolwich and Plumstead
Title number: 2157
LSA ID: LSA/2833
Description: This video is a bid for the City Challenge on behalf of Woolwich and Plumstead. Arguments are made for the Woolwich Arsenal site to be regenerated for the benefit of the town as a whole. Footage of the site in its prime in full production is shown. This site needs some maintenance but is potentially a great asset. It is also argued that reconnecting town center with the Arsenal could provide crime prevention and provide a needed increase in traffic, to ultimately make this better place for people to live and work in. The City Challenge could also aid in the building of new homes for single women and single parent families as well as trade generation and retail outlets construction. The City Challenge could provide a much needed link between the potential of the Arsenal, the potential of people and the business and council. There is a great team with a great bid.
Keywords: Business; Local; Community; Woolwich; Greenwich